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The BSR Content & Image Disclaimer:
The Black Style Report creates no claim or credit for images featured on our site and corresponding social media pages unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to it’s respective owners and we make every effort to credit and or link to original content whenever possible. We follow typical web protocol through a general creative commons license, also generally known as the “guide for internet sharing” where we believe in providing, and receiving, proper attribution to the original author, artist or photographer.
In addition, we obsess over happenings in popular culture so we feature celebrities, professional athletes, music artists, socialites, politicians and other notable people. The persons named or featured in the Black Style Report have not endorsed, recommended, or approved the products or services offered or mentioned on our site or corresponding social media pages.
Excerpts and references of the content found on this website may be reproduced elsewhere, on the condition that the Black Style Report is properly credited as the source with a link to the the Black Style Report web URL: Reproductions must also include all original permalinks for BSR stories to assure proper content credit. Fashion, celebrity, and beauty related websites are free to link to BSR and or add our site to relevant blogrolls; however please be advised, we do not have a “blogroll” as BSR is deemed a digital magazine.
If you own rights to any of the images featured, and do not wish for them to appear on this site or our corresponding social media pages, please contact us at and they will be promptly removed.